Level 2, Chin yen Tseng, Hsinchu, Taiwan
進階課來囉,很開心這次有來自宜蘭、花蓮、新竹、台中、台南、屏東 的治療師學員齊聚,在經過大量臨床實作及測驗後,恭喜這次的學員「 全員 ALL PASS 」 ,你們也再度進化,希望你們謹記好好感受個案傳達的所有訊息,有你們在台灣努力投入側彎治療,我們引以為傲,讓我們一同為亞太區的側彎患者,一起持續前行。
The eagerly awaited Rigo Concept Level 2 advanced course is here, and it’s exciting to see therapists from Yilan, Hualien, Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan, and Pingtung all coming together. After lots of hands-on practice and tests, congratulate this group of students—they’ve all passed with flying colors! You’ve leveled up once again. Remember to pay close attention to all the signals your patients are giving you. Your dedication to non surgical scoliosis treatment in Taiwan makes us really proud. Let’s keep pushing forward together for scoliosis patients in the Asia-Pacific region.