恭喜大家完成 Rigo Concept BSPTS – Level 2課程!本次 Level 2課程有來自澳門、馬來西亞及台灣各地如:屏東、台南、台北、新竹及台中的治療師們! 學員熱情回饋: 挺立康台北院 羅菀翎院長:「非常喜歡曾老師在做臨床個案的氛圍,就像一場精彩的音樂會!從初階到進階,解決臨床實務難題,感受自己跟著課程一起進化!」 台南黃皓筠治療師:「將不可能變成可能!面對懷疑時仍堅持下去,因為知道台南的孩子們需要我們。感謝團隊讓我堅持到底!」 屏東胡舒惟治療師:「完全重新認識BSPTS,彷彿打通任督二脈!講師引導思考的方式,讓我對臨床治療有了全新視野。」 挺立康新竹院 朱家萱治療師: 「精闢又幽默的講解,豐富的臨床實務練習,讓複雜的脊椎側彎治療變得既專業又充滿樂趣!」 澳門林靄儀治療師:「講師經驗豐富,指導精準到位!從側彎分類到臨床處理,讓治療更有方向與信心。」 馬來西亞陳麗冰治療師:「真人臨床實作,專業的環境氛圍,加上老師耐心的指導,讓學習充滿收穫!」 我們 Level 3見! This Level 2 course included therapists from Macau, Malaysia, and various regions of Taiwan including: Pingtung, Tainan, Taipei, Hsinchu, …
We had a great time in Melbourne Australia last week, unravelling the complexities of scoliosis in this Level 1 Rigo Concept course. Five dedicated physiotherapists learned how to treat scoliosis with Physiotherapy Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE) and learned about key …
This time, three therapists from Hong Kong and various places in Taiwan gathered at the UprightCome Scoliosis Clinic for six days of the Rigo Concept BSPTS – Level 1 course, exploring the mysteries of scoliosis together with Teacher Chin Yen …
Before the course, many participants felt confused about how to handle scoliosis patients. After guiding from Teacher Yumin Ding, therapists said that they gained rich practical experience through knowledge of Rigo Concept, assessment measurements, hands-on teaching, and observation. Seeing their …
Congratulations to everyone for completing the Rigo Concept BSPTS – Base Course! This time. The participants from all over Taiwan and even Hong Kong have come from afar with enthusiasm. Stepping into the field of scoliosis with BSPTS teacher Chin …
지난 2024년 7월에 한국에서 세번째 Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School (BSPTS- Rigo Concept) Level 1 코스가 부산보건대학교에서 진행되었습니다. 윤성영강사는 전국 각지에서 모인 물리치료사 4분께 척추측만증에 특화된 물리치료적 운동방법의 임상적 지식과 경험을 가르쳤습니다. 참가하신 선생님들 모두 시험에 통과하였으며 이제 병원 또는 …
We are proud to share the success of the recent Rigo Concept (BSPTS) L1 training in the Philippines! We had one medical doctor and seven physical therapists from the different Islands of the Philippines, passed and earned their Rigo Concept …
Even though it has been raining in Taipei recently, it cannot dampen the enthusiasm of the students who come to learn! Welcome to Rigo Concept BSPTS Level 1, a treasure trove of scoliosis expertise. We are delighted to have therapists …
A group of physiotherapists gathered in Kaohsiung to participate in the Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School Certification Course, Rigo Concept PSSE L1, organized by BalanSpine Scoliosis Clinic. For a full six days under the tutelage of the teacher Yumin Ding, …
The three-day Rigo Concept BSPTS – Base Course was successfully completed. Professionals from various fields gathered together, including professionals from Taiwan and Hong Kong, to pursue new scoliosis knowledge. After the study of the Base course, we believe that everyone …