Congratulations to everyone for completing the Rigo Concept BSPTS – Base Course! This time. The participants from all over Taiwan and even Hong Kong have come from afar with enthusiasm. Stepping into the field of scoliosis with BSPTS teacher Chin …
지난 2024년 7월에 한국에서 세번째 Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School (BSPTS- Rigo Concept) Level 1 코스가 부산보건대학교에서 진행되었습니다. 윤성영강사는 전국 각지에서 모인 물리치료사 4분께 척추측만증에 특화된 물리치료적 운동방법의 임상적 지식과 경험을 가르쳤습니다. 참가하신 선생님들 모두 시험에 통과하였으며 이제 병원 또는 …
We are proud to share the success of the recent Rigo Concept (BSPTS) L1 training in the Philippines! We had one medical doctor and seven physical therapists from the different Islands of the Philippines, passed and earned their Rigo Concept …
Even though it has been raining in Taipei recently, it cannot dampen the enthusiasm of the students who come to learn! Welcome to Rigo Concept BSPTS Level 1, a treasure trove of scoliosis expertise. We are delighted to have therapists …
A group of physiotherapists gathered in Kaohsiung to participate in the Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School Certification Course, Rigo Concept PSSE L1, organized by BalanSpine Scoliosis Clinic. For a full six days under the tutelage of the teacher Yumin Ding, …
The three-day Rigo Concept BSPTS – Base Course was successfully completed. Professionals from various fields gathered together, including professionals from Taiwan and Hong Kong, to pursue new scoliosis knowledge. After the study of the Base course, we believe that everyone …
2024年台灣首場Rigo Concept PSSE L1圓滿結束。脊力恆側彎治療中心作為課程主辦單位,也收到了學員極為滿意的肯定與回饋。 「這跟自己讀書能理解的程度完全不一樣,老師極具邏輯性的講解,帶領大家詳細理解看似複雜的Rigo Concept!」 「原來側彎物理治療已經有這麼豐富的科學實證,讓人迫不及待將所學用在患者身上。」 「實作練習過程中,我們體驗到了丁老師神奇的雙手,引導動作如此流暢。」 經過這六天的密集訓練,我們也很高興地宣布,本梯學員全員通過了考核。期待在Level 2課程與大家再次相聚。 The first Rigo Concept L1 held in Taiwan in 2024 proved to be a perfect success. As the organizer, BalanSpine Scoliosis Clinic received highly positive feedback from the participants. “This …
지난 2024년 1월에 대한민국에 두번째로 Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School (BSPTS- Rigo Concept) Level 1 코스가 부산보건대학교에서 진행되었습니다. 윤성영강사는 전국 각지에서 모인 물리치료사 5분께 척추측만증에 특화된 물리치료적 운동방법의 임상적 지식과 경험을 가르쳤습니다. 참가하신 선생님들 모두 시험에 통과하였으며 이제 병원 또는 …
進階課來囉,很開心這次有來自宜蘭、花蓮、新竹、台中、台南、屏東 的治療師學員齊聚,在經過大量臨床實作及測驗後,恭喜這次的學員「 全員 ALL PASS 」 ,你們也再度進化,希望你們謹記好好感受個案傳達的所有訊息,有你們在台灣努力投入側彎治療,我們引以為傲,讓我們一同為亞太區的側彎患者,一起持續前行。 The eagerly awaited Rigo Concept Level 2 advanced course is here, and it’s exciting to see therapists from Yilan, Hualien, Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan, and Pingtung all coming together. After lots of hands-on …
這群物理治療師來自台灣的北、中、南各地,在連假期間來到脊力恆參加BSPTS學院 (Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School) 國際培訓課程,向官方講師丁于旻主任學習脊柱側彎非手術治療。 每位治療師在課前都抱持著滿滿的期待: 「希望能學習脊柱側彎的治療方法、全方面的設計處方,讓患者可以有效的進步」 「原本以為患者成年後就無法治療了,但聽到之前上過課的同學說他能處理!於是我也很想知道究竟是如何做到的」 「想要詳細了解脊柱側彎的完整理念和相關知識,透過親自學習,直接感受、體會,並期許自己未來能勇敢接觸相關族群,一起面對個案問題並一一解決!」 我們很高興經過這六天密集的培訓, 全員通過考核,恭喜各位取得 Rigo Concept PSSE Level 1 學程。期待大家在往後的日子,盡情地將所學發揮在側彎患者身上。 This group of physical therapists come from the different cities of Taiwan. During the holidays, they came to BalanSpine Scoliosis …