Level 1, Beth Janssen, San Jose, CA, United States
The Rigo Concept- Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School (BSPTS) held a Level 1 course in San Jose, California, USA from February 28-March 4, 2023.
The course was taught by Beth Janssen, PT from Scoliosis Rehab in Wisconsin and graciously hosted by Nancy Sherratt, PT of Scoliosis Rehab PT California.
Seven PT attended, from such diverse areas as Nevada, Oregon, Colorado, various parts of California and even from British Columbia. We also were honored to have Dennis Guteirrez, DPT, who is a teacher with the Rigo Concept BSPTS in the Philippines, as an observer. This course builds on the information learned in the online Rigo Concept BSPTS Base Course. We studied different classification systems in scoliosis and how the classification system will help us communicate with other professionals treating scoliosis.
The Rigo Classification System helps us classify the curve clinically and then compare our findings to the radiological characteristics in order to choose the best exercises for the individual patient. The course also focuses on an in-depth understanding and application of the General Principles of the BSPTS and 3-D Specific Principles of Correction using the Rigo Concept which is based upon the original principles of Schroth. We studied evaluation techniques specific to the diagnosis of Scoliosis. Based on the findings during the evaluation we discussed prognosis, and treatment options.
The importance of working in a Team was emphasized, The Team should include: the patient, the Family of the patient, the Medical Doctor, a PT trained in Scoliosis Specific Exercises, an orthotist (if needed) and perhaps a psychologist or conselor (if needed to help the family navigate the possible stress of the diagosis and treatment).
The PT’s in the course did a great job and I am sure they will provide helpful treatments of PT Scoliosis Specific Exercises to the patients that come their way.