CONSENT TO PUBLISH PROFESSIONAL DATA AND PICTURE* *Publication rights reserved by Rigo concept Name Allow posting this contentYesNo Surname Allow posting this content YesNo Second Last name Allow posting this content YesNo Profession Allow posting this content YesNo Work place name Allow posting this content YesNo Work Place Address, location and Country Allow posting this content YesNo Work Place Email Allow posting this content YesNo Work Place Website Allow posting this content YesNo Work Place Phone number Allow posting this content YesNo BSPTS Certified Level Allow posting this content YesNo Certified Year Allow posting this content YesNo Personal Photo (Image format:JPG,PNG max. file size 4Mb) Allow posting this content YesNo Authorization I, (the owner of the person in this form) grant permission to Rigo Concept BSPTS for the use of the photograph(s) and professional data as identified below in the Rigo Concept BSPTS website. I understand that I may revoke this authorization at any time by notifying it to The revocation will not affect any actions taken before the receipt of this written notification. Images will be stored in a secure location and only authorized staff will have access to them. They will be kept as long as they are relevant and after that time destroyed or archived. Do you want to publish this data?yesno