Level 1, Yumin Ding, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
這群物理治療師來自台灣的北、中、南各地,在連假期間來到脊力恆參加BSPTS學院 (Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School) 國際培訓課程,向官方講師丁于旻主任學習脊柱側彎非手術治療。
我們很高興經過這六天密集的培訓, 全員通過考核,恭喜各位取得 Rigo Concept PSSE Level 1 學程。期待大家在往後的日子,盡情地將所學發揮在側彎患者身上。
This group of physical therapists come from the different cities of Taiwan. During the holidays, they came to BalanSpine Scoliosis Clinic to participate in the BSPTS (Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School) international training course and learn non-surgical scoliosis treatment from the official teacher, Yumin Ding.
Every therapist has full expectations before course:
“I hope to learn the treatment methods and comprehensive design prescriptions for patients amd make them effective progress.”
“I thought that the adult who with scoliosis would be unable to be treated, but it’s not true. So I want to know how to do.”
We are very happy that after six days of intensive training, all participants have passed the final exam. Congratulations to everyone for obtaining the Rigo Concept PSSE Level 1 certificated.