Level 1 Stevens Point October 2022, Beth Janssen
Level 1 Stevens Point October 2022
Scoliosis Rehab Inc, hosted a Level 1 course in Stevens Point, Wisconsin from October 11-15, 2022. It was a very small class. Due to a date conflict, I had to move the dates of the course and these 2 enthusiastic PT’s were able to come to the new dates of the course.
The focus of the Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School (BSPTS) Concept by Rigo, Level 1 is Specific treatment principles, correction strategies and basic positions. We consider this method a divergence of the Schroth Method, based on Dr Rigo’s experience of 40 years.
In our courses we stress building a treatment team with a Medical Doctor, Orthotist, PT and psychologist if needed. We also studied the SOSORT guidelines and focused our attention on Scoliosis treatment without surgery. This method is not against surgery, we recognize that sometimes this is the best options based on the Medical Evidence and family and patient’s wishes. I am confident that the dedicated Physical Therapists who attended the course vastly increased their knowledge on scoliosis treatment, including scoliosis diagnosis, PT Scoliosis Specific Exercise-specifically the Rigo Concept-BSPTS, Scoliosis treatment options and scoliosis bracing.
We also worked on the use of the scoliometer to determine the presence of structural curves. We discussed and practiced finding trunk imbalance. After finding these structural curves we compared the clinical findings to the radiological findings. The attending PT’s had the opportunity to develop their radiology skill as we worked to determine curve patterns, measuring xray images after looking at the alignment of the body. We learned about the Rigo Classification system.
They also observed treatments with the method on adolesents with different curve types.. We discussed precautionary findings when treating adults.
Congratulations these PT’s for their commitment to high quality education in the Rigo Concept BSPTS a type of PT Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE) as defined by SOSORT.