Level 1, Garikoitz Aristegui and Yumin Ding, Beijing, China
恭喜學院誕生了"北京首屆BSPTS L1"側彎認證學程的學員們! 這次是BSPTS在2020開啟全新教育制度後,首次在北京舉辦課程,這是亞洲地區推廣BSPTS的重大里程碑,總部亦相當重視、給予全力的支持。 很高興我們BSPTS總經理人Garikoitz Aristegui,即使行程滿檔仍飛到北京與學院官方師資丁于旻老師一同授課。在這六天課堂上,除了有PhD Garikoitz和丁老師的傾囊相授,也與身在巴塞隆納的Dr. Manuel Rigo 遠端連線,分享如何擬訂側彎患者的治療處方。 此番交流讓我們更加確信我們彼此正走在目標明確清晰的正道上,有著這樣彼此信任的團隊合作下,我們Team BSPTS會是促進脊柱側彎治療在國內外不斷進步的重要推手。 再次恭喜我們完成Rigo Concept L1培訓的學員們,這僅是個開始。期待大家有一日體會到,一旦啟動側彎學習歷程就將沒有結束的一天
The first Rigo Concept BSPTS Level 1 certification program in Beijing has successfully ended.
It is delighted that our BSPTS General Manager, Garikoitz Aristegui, and Teacher Yumin Ding flew to Beijing to teach together.
During the six-day course, Garikoitz and Yumin shared their knowledge of Scoliosis treatment and teach Rigo Concept to all participants. In the end, we connected remotely with Dr. Manuel Rigo in Barcelona. This exchange has made us more convinced that we are on the right track with a clear and definite goal.
We have such a team collaboration built on trust, and we know that our team, BSPTS and all of you, will be an important driving force for the continuous improvement of scoliosis treatment both domestically and internationally.
This is the first time BSPTS school held a Level 1 course in Beijing, and this is a major milestone in promoting BSPTS in Asia.
Congratulations to these participants in Beijing, on completing the Rigo Concept Level 1 training. This is only the beginning. We look forward to the day when you all realize that once you start the scoliosis learning journey, there will never be an end.