Level 1, Chin Yen Tseng, Hsinchu, Taiwan
很開心看見所有學員精神飽滿,眼神充滿著對知識的渴望,更有多位來自國外,一起展開一場側彎旅行,為期六天的課程,是一個充實而豐盛的學習旅程,Teacher Chin Yen Tseng 陪著各位學員一同踏入側彎專科的世界! 學員們在經過這六天,各種Rigo Cpncept知識和實作技術超級龍捲風,恭喜大家成功降落,來到了脊柱側彎的國度,成為了側彎專科的治療師!
Level 1 課程的結束,是這趟浩瀚旅程的開始,還有許許多多的奧妙等著大家發掘,希望大家可以發揮自己所學,累積經驗,一同幫助更多的側彎人,祝福各位在這趟側彎專科的飛行中旅途愉快,我們 Level 2 見!
It’s heartening to see all the students full of energy, with eyes brimming with a thirst for knowledge. Moreover, many participants have joined from abroad, embarking on a scoliosis journey together. The six-day course has been a fulfilling and enriching learning journey. Teacher Chin Yen Tseng has guided all the students into the realm of scoliosis specialization.
After these six days, students have weathered the whirlwind of Rigo Concept knowledge and practical techniques. Congratulations to everyone for landing successfully in the realm of spine disorder, becoming specialists in scoliosis therapy!
The conclusion of Level 1 marks the beginning of this vast journey. There are many mysteries waiting to be uncovered. May you all apply what you’ve learned, accumulate experiences, and collectively aid more individuals with scoliosis. Wishing you a pleasant voyage in this flight of scoliosis specialization. See you in Level 2!