Level 1, Borislav Chongov, Sofia, Bulgaria
From March 25 to 30, 2023, the Level 1 Concept of Rigo BSPTS (Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapeutic School) was held with teacher Borislav Chongov, doctor. The host of the course was the renewed center for 4D treatment of spinal distortions at USBALO “Prof. Boycho Boychev” (the university specialized hospital for active treatment in orthopaedics), as well as a specialized center for the treatment of scoliosis Sport and Health.
On the way to their specialization as physiotherapists in the treatment of spinal deformities took Nikolay Nikolova и Gabriela Minkova from Plovdiv; dr. Anita Pelovska, MD from Pleven; Paula Nikolova from Vratsa; Aylin Alieva from Targovishte; Emanuil Panayotov from Sliven; Maya Stefanova and Stanimir Stoychev from Sofia; assoc. prof. Lyubomira Sazdova, Kristina Mutafova and Tsveta Marinova from National sports Academy and Scolio BG.
The training was mainly practical. Participants were trained in the application of Schroth’s principles, which were validated and refined according to Rigo concept. The course program includes the study of the basic principles of correction; specific correction principles and predefined strategies of correction according to the Rigo classification.
The application of physiotherapy scoliosis specific exercises (PSSE) combined with various manual techniques and a high level of knowledge about the nature of spinal conditions. The path to final certification is through the acquisition of clinical experience combined with the advancement of knowledge. All participants passed their exam with a very high score.
This course is part of the training program of the Bulgarian Association of Physiotherapists (BGAPT) and is a small step towards improving their quality.