L1 Boston, US. May 2021. Teacher: Amy Sbihli
This Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School Level 1 (L1) course in Boston, Massachusetts, brought physical therapists from the north, south, east and west of the USA. The states of California, South Dakota, South Carolina, New Jersey, New York, and Florida were all represented. These physical therapists came to learn about how to use physiotherapy treatment for the condition of scoliosis and kyphosis. In Boston, we were experiencing late Spring weather. The warm sun brought out all of the flowering trees and bushes to full bloom. It was beautiful to see. During the course, we worked at learning topics; What is scoliosis?, How to treat scoliosis?, and the foundations of the Rigo-Concept. The course format of lecture and practical hands-on practice helped the class of 10 students learn about the complexity of the condition of scoliosis and kyphosis, then how to use physiotherapy skills from the Rigo-Concept to treat the condition of scoliosis. Now that the physiotherapist better understand the condition of scoliosis they will go home to states all over our country and practice these new skills in the non surgical approach to care of scoliosis. I wish them good luck!