Course Level Course language Teacher Dates Place, city Country Organizer Name Organizer Email Number of students Course fee BSPTS % fee Please, save the list of students with their name, lastname, email, etc, in one Excel, to create a data base in the future. Course summary: one text about the course, minimum 20 lines, with some pictures. In this text you must include minimum 5 words from the next list (take into account, for example “Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School” is one word): Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School (not use the acronym) Rigo Concept Physiotherapy for Scoliosis Physiotherapy exercises Exercises for scoliosis Based on Schroth method Scoliosis treatment Treatment for scoliosis How to treat scoliosis What is scoliosis Scoliosis brace Degenerative scoliosis Thoracic scoliosis Lumbar scoliosis Scoliosis treatment options Scoliosis prognosis Scoliosis diagnosis Severe scoliosis Scoliosis treatment without surgery Non surgical scoliosis treatment We will post your course summary in BSPTS website. It’s very important to use the terms that you have in the list. Course summary: (optional) Picture from the course: Please attach the pictures in jpg format (optional)