BSPTS Exercise Treatment Principles by Dr. Rigo – Transcription
BSPTS Exercise Treatment Principles by Dr. Rigo (English transcript by Borislav Chongov)
This is a stable corrected spine.
And the…the purpose of PSSE is working on maintaining this stable correction all the time.
But most people think…
…but most people think that doing exercises is about moving.
So I give her now the spine corrected imbalance and I ask her try to maintain it.
But you will see, she will start moving and people think that the scoliosis exercise is about moving, strengthening the muscles, doing repetitions and so on.
But at the end of the day is not that.
We need really to control the movement, not to move more.
So the therapist job here is getting contact with the patient and bringing the patient into a situation, where patient will be able to control the movement.
So it’s very important … be coupled with the patient!
And we all together, we tried to control the movement, to integrate every little correction, is not an easy thing, you need to be really connected, in calm and slowly bringing the spine into a balanced correction.
Slowly, we breathe together, we are coupled and we will do it, with calm, very calm, almost ready…
Almost done…
So you noted that at certain moment I had to stop talking and say nothing just to maintain the contact with her and being able to integrate what we were doing.
Many physiotherapists using this concept tend to touch and to talk too much.
In a way that they lose the contact with the patient and patient is not able to integrate the stable correction.
So it’s very important at certain moment of the therapy to be really able, to be calm, to maintain the contact, to work together, breathing together, being stable together, and tell you nothing.
Thank you.
Download: BSPTS Exercise Treatment Principles by Dr. Rigo